Cholesterol Medicine in Pakistan

Cholesterol is a fat that can build up in your body and cause heart disease. Statins can reduce cholesterol levels by inhibiting the formation of cholesterol from dietary fat. In Pakistan, statins are widely used to treat cholesterol and diabetes but there have been reports of adverse effects in some patients, particularly muscle and tendon side effects.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance your body needs to make cell membranes, hormones and vitamin D. It also helps to digest the fats you eat.

Your liver makes cholesterol naturally. But it's also found in foods like egg yolks, meat and cheese.

You can have too much of it in your blood, called hyperlipidemia, which increases your risk of developing health problems, such as heart disease and strokes. Your doctor can measure your cholesterol levels with a blood test.

The two main types of cholesterol in your blood are high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). HDL removes excess LDL from your bloodstream, so that it's less likely to clog up your arteries.

Having too much of LDL can clog your arteries and increase your risk for heart disease and strokes. You can get medicines to treat this, including statins, fish oil and other lipid-lowering medications. Ask your doctor which medicine is best for you.


Your body needs cholesterol to make cells and to create hormones and other chemicals. You also get cholesterol from foods you eat, including red meats and dairy products.

Cholesterol is an important part of your castrol ka ilaj, but it can be a problem if you have too much. It can stick to the walls of your blood vessels and clog them, leading to heart disease or stroke.

The best way to reduce your risk of developing high cholesterol is to eat healthier foods and exercise more. You can also try statins (drugs that lower your cholesterol level) and fish oil supplements. Lastly, you should consult your doctor about when to start taking these medicines and how to take them safely. The good news is, with proper treatment and management, your chances of a heart attack are largely eliminated. The bad news is that your life may be cut short by the scourge of heart disease.


Cholesterol is a type of fat that can cause a variety of health problems. Fortunately, there are several medications that can help lower your cholesterol level.

The best way to find out if you have high cholesterol is to get tested for it. Luckily, there are many places in Pakistan that offer cholesterol testing.

One of the best ways to get tested for cholesterol is to go to a lab. In addition, you can also ask your doctor for a cholesterol test at home or in the office.


The best way to get a handle on your cholesterol levels is to heed the advice of your trusted medical professional. Your doctor may prescribe a low-fat diet, exercise and medication to lower your LDL, HDL and triglycerides (fats in the blood). The following are some of the more common treatments: * statins, namely, niacin and cholestyramine * lipoprotein lowering drugs such as bile acids, e.g. bile salts, cholesterol medicine in pakistan and lipoic acids. The best way to find out which medications are most effective for you is to do your homework. The good news is that your physician should be able to offer the best prescription drug regimen for you without an appointment.



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